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So you need a sign for your business.. Where should your sign go, based on your building location and the traffic flow, for the most effective visual impact? Take a look at a site map of your location (Google maps are great for this) and answer these questions: 1. What are the main roads near your...

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From Chicago Magazine: About a year and a half ago, Glenn Fahlstrom left his eponymous restaurant near the Montrose Brown Line stop, Glenn’s Diner, at the end of a long legal dispute that left his ex-partners with the restaurant, complete with Fahlstrom’s own first name. At the time, he sounded sa...

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Since 1952, Parvin-Clauss Sign Company has worked with design firms and architects collaborating on sign concepts for the built environment.  Adding our expertise in sign construction and component options results in a finished product that exceeds the customer's expectations. Often our clients com...

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The sign industry can be a barometer for the economy. When business is improving, it's time to expand and put up a new sign. When there's a profitable quarter one can improve the business campus wayfinding signs. A new development needs signs to direct prospects and customers. A new restaurant needs...

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We probably drive our regular route to work hundreds of times. Our thoughts may be elsewhere when we drive past the chiropractor, pet supply store, bank, storage company, but when we need those services the sign and logo pops into our heads. That's the lasting impact of a business' exterior sign....

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