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More and more people are taking advantage of storage facilities in the US.  In total, Americans store about 2.3 billion square feet of stuff, which is more than 78 square miles–three times the size of Manhattan. That’s an average of 7.3 square feet of self storage space for every person in the...

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From ISA Industry News August 18, 2016 Signs are as important in city centers as they are in suburban and rural areas. But there is a growing realization—and acceptance—of the need for signs to help cities better serve visitors and locals alike. In the publication “Signs and the Downtown Experience,...

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By Kelly Bauer DNAInfo Chicago 1/4/16 The famous Stars Motel sign, which stood over Lincoln Avenue long after the actual motel was gone, has been torn down. The sign sat at 6100 N. Lincoln Avenue, Chicago for decades, welcoming patrons to the Stars, one of many motels that dotted the stretch of road...

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Yes, it's cold and icy and in some parts, deeply snowy, but Chicagoans like to toss in some humor. Perhaps signs point to a hilarious Spring?

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Brian Newton, Director - Sales and Business Development and Lisa Staszak, Sales Manager with Parvin-Clauss Sign Company both achieved Sales Excellence by meeting and exceeding their respective sales goals in 2015.   Both Brian and Lisa have established strong relationships with their clients a...

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A great retail sign should capture the customer’s interest enough to read it; just like a great email subject line gets someone  to open it, or a compelling headline in a newspaper gets someone to read it. Here are seven tips to create compelling retail signage: Get to the point. We communica...

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Have you ever been stuck behind a truck and unsure whether to overtake it because your view of the road ahead is obscured? To overcome this potentially dangerous situation, Samsung has revealed its "Safety Truck," which allows you to ‘see-through’ the truck to the traffic ahead. The...

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One of the things customers will notice when they first visit a business is the signs, directing them to where they need to go. It might not be something that businesses pay the most attention to, but way-finding and destination signage are markers your customers will rely on when navigating your bu...

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So you need a sign for your business.. Where should your sign go, based on your building location and the traffic flow, for the most effective visual impact? Take a look at a site map of your location (Google maps are great for this) and answer these questions: 1. What are the main roads near your...

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Your business is opening and you need a sign. You decide on the design, size, material, and color while your sign company checks with the municipality to see what's allowed. And it turns out your sign is larger than the village code stipulates. But given the busy roadway it faces, the speed limit of...

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