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Two familiar tax-time fixtures may disappear from Hemet, California’s main drag now that the City Council has encouraged stricter enforcement of the city’s sign ordinance. Each spring, drivers on Florida Avenue are greeted by someone in a bumblebee costume standing at San Jacinto Street and someone...

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OAK LAWN, Ill. – Drivers passing through a suburb of Chicago will still have to stop, but they'll no longer need to do so "in the name of love." Oak Lawn, Ill., has removed comical remarks in octagonal shapes it placed under stop signs in an effort to get motorists to obey the law. Mayor Dave Heilma...

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So you need a sign for your business.. Where should your sign go, based on your building location and the traffic flow, for the most effective visual impact? Take a look at a site map of your location (Google maps are great for this) and answer these questions: 1. What are the main roads near your...

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