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By Kelly Bauer DNAInfo Chicago 1/4/16 The famous Stars Motel sign, which stood over Lincoln Avenue long after the actual motel was gone, has been torn down. The sign sat at 6100 N. Lincoln Avenue, Chicago for decades, welcoming patrons to the Stars, one of many motels that dotted the stretch of road...

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Yes, it's cold and icy and in some parts, deeply snowy, but Chicagoans like to toss in some humor. Perhaps signs point to a hilarious Spring?

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Kim - Parvin-Clauss Signs, The signs are in and they look great. I can't say enough about your installers and the professionalism that was shown throughout the installation. Mark and Neal did an excellent job under adverse conditions. Thank you and Brian for all your cooperation throughout this...

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Brian Newton, Director - Sales and Business Development and Lisa Staszak, Sales Manager with Parvin-Clauss Sign Company both achieved Sales Excellence by meeting and exceeding their respective sales goals in 2015.   Both Brian and Lisa have established strong relationships with their clients a...

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